Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision For Success

Vision Board

This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen
I have chosen a variety of pictures to add into my image(seen above) that have meaning behind them. First, we could look at Will Ferrel next to my head. I added him into my picture because in my free time, I like to play basketball and I look just as awkward playing as he does. Next, we can look at the three images below him which represent my desired job when I grow up, which is being a kindergarten teacher. The images represent a skill needed to do the job and a picture of the job itself. There are another three images involving the type of lifestyle I would like. I would like to have any car really, but I added a BMW because I think it's a nice car, and I would like to have nice shoes as well as nice clothes and a watch or two. I have an image of Kylie Jenner showing that I want be in a relationship when I grow up(Kylie's my wife). The last two images are the kid and the man in a graduation gown next to me which represent my constant mood and hope of education.


  1. Very nice and good pictures to go together!

  2. I like your Vision board keep it up. I didn't noticed where your celebrity post is at. Another then that it looks great.

  3. You have a very nice composition on putting together your vision board. I notice that you want to be a kindergarten teacher when you grow up. This seems like a good fit for you. I can tell that you have high hopes on education. Keep up the good work and I hope you will reach your level of success/.

  4. I like you vision board and you choice on pictures they are amazing and it looks good keep it up.
